Although a relative newcomer to Tour East, Peter Weibel (Director of Sales & Marketing International Markets) has already become a popular and fun character within the network.  This week we caught up with Peter to ask him about his current role and how he ended up at one of the APAC regions’ most respected destination management companies.  So here goes…..

Where are you from?  

I am originally from Lucerne in Switzerland. One of the world’s most scenic cities!

How did you end up in Asia? 

After graduation I worked for Kuoni Switzerland and was fortunate to travel to Asia quite a bit. I did leave tourism for IT but still stayed in touch with my many great contacts in Asia. As things work in Asia, one of my contacts knew someone, who was related to someone, whose friend needed a German-speaking resort manager. That was Phuket, back in 1992. I thought “hell, why not?”

When did you join Tour East?

I joined in November 2019 from Khiri Travel.  Initially, I was brought in to look after MICE for the company, based in Bangkok.  My role has now expanded to cover both leisure and MICE!

My daily duties involve?

We have offices in 18 countries and a number of sales/MICE representatives based around the world. I tend to start early and check my messages to ensure that I can still catch an urgent issue that is not too late for the USA. Throughout the day I work hard to ensure that we deliver what we as Tour East promise. Lately, a great deal of my day has been spent ensuring that all countries have their product and rates ready for 2021/22 and that our enhanced health & safety protocol is being implemented.

The most rewarding part of my job is?

Asia Pacific is such a diverse, colourful and interesting region. From Sri Lanka to New Zealand – it’s unbelievable what one can find and explore. Just look at the different cuisines alone!

The most challenging part of my job is?

The region is not only colourful. There are also many different mentalities and approaches to both life and work. Of course, some countries are more advanced than others. This often requires a different approach to get results in a timely and complete way.

The key to my success is?

Patience and understanding. Or perhaps the recognition that it’s best to look at it this way:  ‘We play international music…. with local instruments!’

My favourite Tour East country is?

Like a parent, I don’t have a favourite. The countries are all unique and different in their own special way.

The most common thing I am asked?

When is the best time to visit…..

The worst thing that’s happened at work is?

I don’t know what was the worst thing. Perhaps the night, some 18 years ago, when I kept my phone charging in the living room and was therefore blissfully unaware that I had received a many calls and messages to advise that the charter flight that was supposed to arrive in the morning would be a few hours delayed. The feeling that 200+ clients would be on the way to the airport too early was one I have never forgotten. In the end, all went well – however, my phone has been sleeping beside me ever since!

What makes Tour East special?

It’s definitely the people. Throughout the network, across differing time zones, we have a lot of very committed people who are keen to share knowledge of their countries and provide amazing holiday experiences.  Aside from the wonderful people, Tour East offers a vast network of destinations (18 countries) and provides an online B2B system called ‘webconnect‘ that provides our partners with the opportunity to book 24/7 (8 countries now and more to follow).

What I would change in the travel industry?

I hope that the future will see more focus on sustainable and community-based quality experiences, rather than high volume “could-be-anywhere” kind of quick R&R fixes.

Sell Thailand to someone who’s never been in one sentence…..

Come and see by yourself – the country has a fantastic infrastructure, an extremely well-developed transportation network, renowned Thai hospitality and a superb variety of destinations both on and off the beaten track!

Select Representation operates the UK, Ireland & Scandinavian sales office for Tour East. For information on how we can help you or your travel company succeed in the APAC region, then do not hesitate to contact us on:

Article written by Jonathan Wilkins